The control panel

This panel allows access to general tools for the whole site. To make it appear put the cursor into the right zone of the screen.

It closes automatically after a few seconds. To make it stay open, click on the pin Panneau latéral - Epingle , so that the panel will remain open.

General information:

  • The name of your site: you can change it in Automne's parameters, under the adminstration button of the control panel,
  • Your name,
  • The Automne logo: by clicking on it, you open your site in a new window,
  • A link to the Automne site,
  • The bar representing the scripts in progress,
  • A button to logout
  • A button "About Automne"

Sidebar : infos

Administration's elements of Automne 4 :

Sidebar panel

Each administration element of Automne is visible according to the rights you have.


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