A site is often the fruit of many peoples' labor. Some of these people are concerned with the text, others the images, still others with the development of unique features. All of these people have particular needs and expectations; to meet them it is necessary to make distinctions among them and this is where the idea of users comes in.
The users are the people who need to interact with the site. Typically there is an administrator--who manages the site, validates what is displayed, adds or deletes pages--and the editors, who create relevant content for visitors.
Each user has a unique ID and password. Once identified, Automne modifies itself in order to give the user access to all the information and only the information they need.
User groups
Let us take the example of our editors; if you have five editors it is obvious that configuring each account to allow the same options is a pure loss of time.
It is for this reason that it is possible to create user groups. A user group defines the role of users that are included and allows you to make adjustments for all of them at once. The rights of our editors can be configured in one place.
As mentioned above, Automne adapts itself to each user in order to give them access only to information they need. This selection is based upon the principle of "rights".
Imagine that the editors of your website edit the announces for concerts in your venue. On one part of the site one can reserve tickets thanks to member information such as an email address and password. There is no reason for the editors to have access to member information, is there? With Automne you can do everything necessary to assure that access rights for member information are not given to this group of editors.
Summarizing the rights and user accounts is a simple and powerful way to create different and optimized access levels to the information on your site.