When you mouse over the rows, two others buttons appear on top of each editable block.
Edition of the different rows
Pre-formatted text
Pre-formatted content is often used for datas like page title. Content limits can impose itself. You don't have the possibility to add XHTML. By default you can insert up to 256 characters.
Enter your content and check the icon « Validate ».
WYSIWYG text edition
This content permits you to insert up rich content. To change your text format, you can use the visual editor or WYSIWYG in which you'll find some of the word processing functions. So it is really easy to format the text even if you don't know HTML langage.
Insert up your content and check "validate". You're back to the page and modifications are now considered. Check « return» to cancel modifications and come back on the page before modifications.
The visual editor is available for each free page block administrated by Automne. The interface propose a word processing toolbar, it allows redactors to format the t est quicly respecting xHTLM norms required for the application. The styles applied to textare linked to style sheets defined in the visual identity.
Do not hesitate to enlarge the edition window according your needs, "checking" one of the corners..
WARNING : a WYSIWYG editor isn't exactly a word processing software. A direct copy and paste from a word processing software can break your styles and layout. To paste up Word text, prefer the button "Paste as plain text", this will clean the included word processing styles inappropriate for the web. you can structure and style your text within the WYSIWYG editor who provides the necessary tools to make sure you use the right styles specifically made for your website.
The toolbar used for rows like « free text » are called « Default » . They are editable from the menu Templates/ WYSIWYG toolbars into the sidepanel, if you've got administration rights on your site.
To change some "style" menu elements, you need administration rights and you have to edit the "editorstyles.xml" file This file is available from the sidepanel Templates/ Stylesheets. You can freely change this file, this will permits you to access to the defined styles directly in the drop-down menu.
You'll also have to include the element style into the CSS styles of your website, so that it can be applied in your published pages.
To create or change a personal template, you need administration rights and you have to change the « editortemplates.xml » file. This file is available from the sidepanel Templates/ Stylesheets.
To access a table properties, right click on the table. The following options appears :
Insertion / Internal link : to create an internal link to another page, select text and click on the "Automne link" icon. A window with the tree structure of the pages you're allowed to modify opens. You can browse the tree structure and select a destination page by clicking on it.
The checking box "Keep the link content if the page do not exists anymore" permits you to choose if the text on which the link is done must disappear at the same time as the page targeted by the link. If this box is un-checked and the target page deleted or dispublished, the link content will disappear (this can be embarrassing if it is situated in the middle of a paragraph).
Into the "target" menu, you can choose to open the link in the same window, into a new window or in a pop-up, which you must specify the dimensions.
The « Advanced» tab allows you to add more informations like a longer title or a language. These informations are important if you want to improve the accessibility of your content.
To change the link, you have to right click on the link or on the link icon to modify it. To delete it, select the link and check the icon "Delete the link".
Insertion / External link : to create a link to an another page on the web, select some text and choose "external link". Select the link type (URL, email ou anchor) and enter the complet address without quotation marks or space. The link can be opened into the same window, into a new window or in a pop-up, which you'll have to determinate the dimensions.
To change the link, you just have to choose the word or the sentence containing the link and enter a new address. To delete it, select the word containing the link and choose Delete the link
The « Advanced» tab allows you to add more informations like a longer title or a language. These informations are important if you want to improve the accessibility of your content.
WARNING : to create a "anchor" link in the same page you have to edit the source code. Anchors are automactically detected only within a single free editable region.
The principle of image modification is the same as content modification. We first click on the of the selected image, that will open a window.
Browse your hard disk to select an image and fill the alternative text input field only if required.
WARNING : images can have size limitation. If necessary, you'll be warmed of the maximum and/or minimum value for the width. Nevertheless, you can enter your image and use the resize function, in order to adapt the image to the defined format.
To re-size an image, first insert an image then click modify. You see your image and a floating window with options that allows you to freely change the size of your image. The image is re-sized withtout moodifying the height/width ratio. Click on « Apply » into see the modifications.
Click on the close button of the pop-in window to come back to you page
WARNING : using the resize function several times can lead to an alteration of the image quality.
Flash animations
This row permits you to add Flash animations in pages. As for images or enclosed file, Flash animation is a block inserted into a template. If you don't have access to the Flash animation row, ask your administrator to create one.
First, browse for a .swf file on your hard disk then enter the animation width and height in pixels.
Fill in the others parameters according to your Flash file and to your needs.
The maximum weight is given underneath the "File" field. In order to delete a file, click on the "Delete" icon.
You can also add some files for download like a PDF in your page.
Browse your computer for a file - all formats are allowed except some like EXE files for security reasons - and give a title for the link to this file.
The maximum weight is given underneath the "File" field. In order to delete a file, click on the "Delete" icon.
You can insert forms in your pages. You can create and edit them in the forms module.
Edit the block to select and preview a form. You can filter forms by categories or language. Once you're done, you can close the window.
You can directly access the forms module by clicking on "Manage module datas used by this block" provided that you have sufficient rights on the module.
Polymod/modules rows
Module rows allows you to display datas from your modules (news for instance)
On some module rows you have to specify one or many parameters (like a category or the number of items to display). Click the edit button, enter a value, apply your changes and the module datas are then displayed.