Reminder of object types
Objects have a resource that determines how the validation of the object works.
Objects without resources have elements visible to visitors to the site from its inception; no validation is required.
Objects with a primary resource have elements which must be validated before being made available to visitors.
Objects with a secondary resource depend upon another object and their elements cannot be validated with the validation of the object (with a primary resource) to which it is linked.
For modules having categories, rights depend upon these categories; if they do not have categories rights depend directly on the module. Putting objects of a module online can only be done by a user having both validation rights and administration rights for that module.
Please note that when editing a page containing modules, their display is determined by the rights a user has concerning said modules. Thus if such a user has administration rights for the module they will see the content with Edited status; if not, they will see content with Public status.
How it works
Validation is the last step before making content available or removing an object from a site. The validation procedure is the same as for pages, with the notable exception of the following actions: preview, view online and modification, which are not available in the modules.
Please note that it is possible to validate objects from the object list of a module or to open the validation panel by clicking on the object status image and choosing "Validate" or "See the validation options."