The first thing to do before creating a new page is to choose its position in the tree structure, that is to say post the page which will directly be over the page you want to create.
Nevertheless, each page can be removed in the tree structure after it's creation, by someone who's got the rights for.
To create a page, you can :
- create a new page
- copy an existing page.
Create a new page
Once you have choosen the parent page, check "create" in the page administration menu bar.
In the opening window, enter all properties required for the page creation.
Only the title is required. If you don't fill in the link title, it will take the Title value. You can change this two fields whenever you want in the page properties tab.
You can create the page with or without the default rows. Checking the box, you have access to the modification of you page with the rows defined by default for the model.
Otherwise, you start with a empty page. In either case, you can modify, re-arrange, delete rows of your page at any moment.
Then you've got to choose the model : the model defines the general settings of your page. if an image was defined for the model, this is the one that will appears in the available models zone. only the models you're allowed to use will appear. To use a model, you need :
- the model to be active
- to have the rights on the model group from which the model is part of.
You have the possibility to screen the models posted entering a keyword of the model into the field "Filter...". Since 3 characters, the search is possible, and it is refined function of the rest of what you write.
Hit the Create button and your page will be created, but won't be visible online until you publish it. You've got now to edit its content. You aren't force to write the page content just after you created it. You can come back to the page edition whenever you want
Copy an existing page
Once you have choose the page to copy, check "Actions/ Copy the page".
You can copy the page with or without the content. Even if you don't want to keep the content, you will keep the rows structure.
You can modify the page template.
If you select an un-compatible template (marked in red), you'll loose all or part of the content and of the rows structure.
Check the page you want to design as parent page of the new page. You only see in the tree structure, the page for the which you have edition right. On the top of the tree structure, the field « search» permites you to filter from the page title. you just have to enter at least 3 characters to start the search. Then, the search refine with the rest of what you write.
All the base data are copied, including the page Title. To change the data follow the same procedures as for the classic modifications of the page properties.
The page creation is submit to validation. Function of the rights you have, you have the possibility or no to validate the content for on-lining.
To validate a page, you have the possibility :
- to stop by the tab « Pending validation » on the side panel.
- to check the status icon. If a validation is required, you'll have access to a quick menu allowing the page validation, or to reach the ripe validation options.
When the page validation is done, the modifications provided are visible online just after its regeneration.