All the modifications on the page properties are submitted for validation and will be on line only after this step:
- Title: The title is in the browser heading. It is also usfull for the search engine optimization of your page. You can insert up to 256 characters.
The page title is the one used by the special marker <atm-title />.
The page title and the link are two datas that can be used in an <atm-linx> tag in your templates - Link: It's the name of the link towards the page that will appear for instance in a navigation menu. The links are automatically created in each page according to its position in the tree structure. You can insert up to 256 characters.
WARNING: if a page is not published, you cannot create an internal link towards it!
- Template: Template used by the page. A template is made of a fix page structure with dynamic content spaces containing rows of content (titles, paragraphs, images, attached files...).
WARNING: using an incompatible model may cause loss of data. Incompatible models are written in red. A model is compatible when it consists of the same client spaces (same count, same id).
- Address : This is the address of the online version of the page .The page title is the element used to make the page address (the URL). When you change the page title, you can change the address thereof, ckecking the box « Update the page address ». If you don't check the box, the address will stay unchanged.
WARNING: changing the title may break external links toward the page, and affect the links displayed by search engines too.
WARNING: You have to check the address option with caution. Indeed, when you're checking this option, the file name generated changes according to the link wording . If an internet use;r bookmarked this URL, he may stumble upon a freaking 404 page (page not found) next time.
- Redirection : Redirects automatically a page toward another internal or external page. By default no redirection is employed. Choose the appropriate type: internal link within your website, or external link. For internal pages enter the identification number, or select from your site plan. For external sites you must begin your link with "http://".
Others scopes unchangable from the page properties:
- Identification (ID) : This is the reference of the page in the tree sstructure. This cannot be modified.. it is used to make Automne's links.
- Website: Main Site : Permites to see if Automne manage several sites (plate-forme multi-sites). The site can be modified only by an administrator (Administration / Sites administration)
- Print page active : This informs you on the print state of the page. This function is managed by the administrators having the management rights on the templates.
Dates & alerts
- Publication start : Date of beginning of publication. To immediatly un-publish a page currently online, simply postdate the beginning of publication. Respect the mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Publication end : This date makes it possible to publish and un-publish pages automatically. (If you leave empty the date completion of publication, the page will be permanent). To un-publish immediately a page on line for an indefinite period, simply antedate the end of publication. The links pointing towards an un-published page will be also removed until the next publication. Respect the mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Alert delay : Period after which one wants to be warned by e-mail that the contents of the page need to be modified. Enter "0" for no alerts.
- Alert date : Alternative to the Alarm Delay, makes it possible to be informed by e-mail on a precise date of your choice. Respect the mm/dd/yyyy format.
- Alert message : You can assoiate a personalised message of the alert which will be included in the mail sent.
Search engines
These fields are used by the national and international search engines and may also be used by your website's internal search engine. The proper use of these fields makes it easier for the page to be found in th results of a search engine. Click "save" to save the modifications.
Give a description to your page, that can be displayed in the search engine results
Define the keywords, put a comma between each keyword.
Define a category for your page. You can insert up to 256 characters.
Users can specify a particular request to search engines. For example, if you don't want the page to be indexed in the search engines, indicate in the Robots field 'noindex' without the quotation marks. See your administrator for more information on the use of search engine meta tags.
Meta data
Automne enables you to manage the most current meta tags. These tags are hidden in the source code to give specific information concerning the page. These tags are not obligatory and are only there as an indication. Some tags may not appear if they are deactivated by the administrator. Click "save" to save the modifications.
- Author: Type in the name of the author of the page. This tag is for information only. You can insert up to 256 characters.
- Reply to e-mail : Type in an e-mail address to allow the visitors to contact you. You can insert up yo 256 characters.
- Copyright : Type in a date and/ or a copyright name. You can insert up to 256 characrters.
- Language used : Type in the language used for the page.
The page language can be determinant as part of the development of some rows linked to moduls.
- Browser cache : Check the box to force the option "no cache".
- Free meta data : Enter other meta data in html format. Contact your administrator to ensure proper syntax. This is the right place to add for instance links for your RSS feeds.
Subpages list with the possibility to remove the pages. You can remove and organize the pages using drag and drop.
To be allowed to remove a group of pages, you must have the right to regenerate pages (administration tab of rights administration).
This log displays the history of all the modifications made by users on this very page.