Title or subtitle (255 characters max):
<block module="standard" type="varchar" id="uniqueID">{{data}}</block>
uniqueID: Unique identifier of the block in the row.
The following values will be replaced in the tag:
- {{data}}: Text content
Formatted text (HTML):
<block module="standard" type="text" id="uniqueID">{{data}}</block>
- uniqueID: Unique identifier of the block in the row.
The following values will be replaced in the tag:
- {{data}}: Formatted content (HTML).
Image :
<block module="standard" type="image" id="uniqueID" maxWidth="value" minWidth="value">{{data}}</block>
- uniqueID: Unique identifier of the block in the row.
- value: Minimum or maximum value authorized for the image in pixels. The attributes maxWidth and minWidth are optional.
The following values will be replaced in the tag:
- {{data}}: Image code and link to zoom view, if it exists.
- {{label}} or {{linkLabel}}: Name / Image text, if it exists.
- {{jslabel}}: Name of the image (separated for inclusion in the javascript or attribute tag).
- {{imageZoomHtml}}: HTML code displaying the picture zoom if it exists.
- {{imagePath}}: Directory of the image on the server.
- {{imageName}}: Name of the image file on the server.
- {{imageZoomHref}}: Address (directory and name) of the image zoom file on the serverd.
- {{imageZoomName}}: Name of the image zoom file on the server.
- {{imageWidth}}: Width of the image file on ther server.
- {{imageHeight}}: Height of the image file on ther server.
- {{imageZoomWidth}}: Width of the image zoom file on ther server.
- {{imageZoomHeight}}: Height of the image zoom file on ther server.
File - attached:
<block module="standard" type="file" id="uniqueID">{{data}}</block>
- uniqueID : Unique identifier of the block in the row.
The following values will be replaced in the tag:
- {{data}}: Link to the file if it exists.
- {{href}}: Address (URL) of the file.
- {{label}}: Label of the file.
- {{jslabel}}: Label of the file (separated for inclusion in the javascript or attribute tag).
- {{size}}: Size of the file in mega octets.
- {{filename}}: Name of the file.
- {{originalfilename}}: Original name of the file.
- {{type}}: File extension.
- {{icon}}: Icon of the file if it exists.
Flash animation:
<block module="standard" type="flash" id="uniqueID">{{data}}</block>
- uniqueID : Unique identifier of the block in the row.
The following values will be replaced in the tag:
- {{data}}: Flash animation content.
Title of the current page:
<atm-title />
Value of a constant (see the constant files of Automne) :
<atm-constant name="constantName" />
- constantName : Name of the constant declared. All constants and especially those of files /cms_rc.php and /config.php are concerned
Link(s) to one or several pages:
<atm-linx type="linxType">linxDefinition</atm-linx>
- linxType : Type of link among:
- direct : Direct link to a specific page.
- sublinks : Link to the sub pages of the current page.
- desclinks : Navation history from one page to another.
- recursivelinks : Structure of the sub links from a given page.
- linxDefinition : See complete atm-linx tags syntax in Automne documentation.
Link to a printable page:
<atm-print-link keeprequest=true">{{href}}</atm-print-link>
- {{href}} : Replaced by the link to the printable page.
- Attribute keeprequest : Optional, allows to conserve the attributes GET from which the printed page is called (defaut : false)
Date of last update:
<atm-last-update format="d-m-Y">{{date}} {{firstname}} {{lastname}}</atm-last-update>
- {{date}} : Date of the last update of the content of the page. the format of the date shown is given by the attribute format of the tag.
- {{firstname}} : First name of the person responsible for the last update.
- {{lastname}} : Last name of the person responsible for the last update.
Javascript files of the page:
<atm-js-tags files="/js/js1.js,/js/js2.js" />
This tag allows you to concatenate several javascript files into one. This accelerates therefore the loading of the web page. The files listed are concatenated and compressed before being served to the user. An advanced management of the navigator cache is employed.
- Attribute files : Javascript files to include in the page (separated by commas). These files should imperatively be found in the directory /js/ or in a sub directory.
You can deactivate this minification of javascript files in the config.php file by defining the APPLICATION_JS_AND_CSS_COMPRESSION constant to false.
CSS style sheets of the page:
<atm-css-tags files="/css/css1.css,/css/css2.css" />
This tag allows you to concatenate several CSS files into one. This accelerates therefore the loading of the web page. The files listed are concatenated and compressed before being served to the user. An advanced management of the navigator cache is employed.
- Attribute files : CSS files to include in the page (separated by commas). These files should imperatively be found in the directory /css/ or in a sub directory.
- Attribute media (optional) : allows to specify the exit media employed among: all, aural, braille, embossed, handheld, print, projection, screen, tty, tv. By default, if this attribute is absent, the media all will be employed.
You can deactivate this minification of javascript files in the config.php file by defining the APPLICATION_JS_AND_CSS_COMPRESSION constant to false.
Identifier of the page:
- pageID : Replaced by the identifier of the current page.
Display in the administration:
<atm-admin> ... </atm-admin>
The content of this tag will be visible only if you are in the administration of Automne.
<atm-noadmin> ... </atm-noadmin>
The content of this tag will not be visible if you are in the administration of Automne.
Display in the page edition:
<atm-edit> ... </atm-edit>
The content of this tag will be visible only if you are currently editing the page in the administration of Automne.
<atm-noedit> ... </atm-noedit>
The content of this tag will not be visible if you are currently editing the page in the administration of Automne.